A model of satisfaction for outdoor recreational activities

Journal Title: Studia Periegetica - Year 2015, Vol 14, Issue 2


The aim of the study is to identify the factors determining the satisfaction of people undertaking activity in the field of outdoor recreation and to use them to build a model of satisfaction. In the introduction, the concept of outdoor recreation and satisfaction is clarified. As a result of a critical analysis of literature, the following factors determining satisfaction were discusses: a hierarchy of needs, recreation opportunity spectrum, congestion, quality, stress, individual perception of adventure, emotional states, and recreational conflict. It was found that the model of satisfaction in outdoor recreation should take into account as many variables as possible: situational factors (environmental, social, and economic resources) and subjective factors (socioeconomic characteristics, attitudes and preferences, cultural characteristics, subjective norms, experience, perception of risk, congestion, and the perception of recreational conflict). The multifaceted nature of satisfaction makes it a very sensitive indicator for the impact of management factors, that is, those which may affect outdoor recreation managers. The author suggests that the measurements of satisfaction levels should relate to the satisfaction of various elements of leisure services, environmental features, specific experience or benefits, and the general level of satisfaction with participation in a particular form of outdoor recreation.

Authors and Affiliations

Marek Nowacki


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How To Cite

Marek Nowacki (2015). A model of satisfaction for outdoor recreational activities. Studia Periegetica, 14(2), 25-40. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-215241