Adaptive Learning: Context and Complexity
Journal Title: e-mentor - Year 2018, Vol 77, Issue 5
Adaptive learning technologies impact higher education by modifying the traditional time constraints placed on the learning cycle, thus permitting students to compress or expand their learning spaces. Previous work by the authors has demonstrated dimensional stability in the adaptive process across universities with considerably different strategic initiatives. However, a prevailing question remains about the correspondence of student position on those components. Transformed component scores for the four stable dimensions (knowledge acquisition, engagement, growth and communication) have been contrasted for comparability in beginning Algebra, College Algebra and Nursing courses at the University of Central Florida and the Colorado Technical University on several metrics generated by the Realizeit adaptive learning platform. The results indicated considerable variability in student affinity for the underlying dimensions depending on a number of considerations such as course length, subject area, and the instructional design process. The authors have concluded that adaptive learning is a complex system in which the interaction of the elements becomes more important than individual measures for understanding the emergent property of this learning environment. Finally, they contend that the potential value added of adaptive learning must be carefully considered with respect to its opportunity cost.
Authors and Affiliations
Charles Dziuban, Colm Howlin, Patsy D. Moskal, Connie Johnson, Mitchell Eid, Brandon Kmetz
Adaptive Learning: Context and Complexity
Adaptive learning technologies impact higher education by modifying the traditional time constraints placed on the learning cycle, thus permitting students to compress or expand their learning spaces. Previous work by th...
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