Broken sewing needle in the middle finger; a sewing mishap: Management
Journal Title: Indian Journal of Case Reports - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 3
Accidental penetrating injuries to the finger are common and their improper assessment can result in missed foreign bodies. These can result in a wide range of complications. Removal of retained foreign bodies is really challenging. We report the case of a male tailor who came to the department with a chief complaint of accidental injury with sewing machine needle and the broken piece of needle got stuck in his finger. This case report highlights the management of deeply embedded broken needle without the use of any expensive investigation. Even preoperative plain X-ray with a radio-opaque marker can localize the missed radio-opaque foreign body accurately. A comprehensive approach results in a successful removal of the foreign body and improved quality of life.
Authors and Affiliations
Mukta Verma, Arun K Singh, Manish Singh
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