Childbirth amenities
Journal Title: European Journal of Medical Technologies - Year 2017, Vol 15, Issue 2
Labour is definitely a challenge for every woman.Fortunately, every delivery room has amenities, that will help a future mom to go through the difficult but undoubtedly beautiful time in life that is childbirth. By using items like abean bag, a ladder, a labour chair, a rope or a ball, we can majorly fasten and uprate labour. Giving a woman in labour a choice and freedom, within the sense, of course, because the woman’s body knows best which position to assume in order to stand the pain, the tiredness and also to help the baby to come to this world. The key to success, which in this case isgiving birth to a newborn, may be achieved by using vertical positions. They use the power of gravity that dramatically helps the child’s head to adapt in the birth canal and also shortens the time of birth. The help of a partner or other close person is priceless, with their attitude, commitment, presence and support they can help a woman get through labour and try to ease the pain with walks, exercises or back massages. It is worth to know that childbirth does not have to be a tramautic experience. Huge pain that is aninseparable part of a child coming into the world can be minimized by using hypnosis, TENS, adequate breating, that is the Biofeedback method, massage or acupuncture. Pain relief can also be achieved with pharmacological agents that are safe for the mother and child, as well as epidural which is more frequently used during the natural birth.
Authors and Affiliations
Karolina Kuczyńska
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