Co-financing innovative projects in SMEs from Regional Operational Programmes. The case of Pomeranian region
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 1
The aim of the article is to analyse use of the EU Structural Funds for in-novative projects in SMEs from Regional Operational Programme of Pomorskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013. In the analysis we use the data from the Pomerania Development Agency Inc. In the first section we described conditions and rules of grants awarding. The next section contains short description of firms in Pom-eranian region and the analysis of granted projects. The results confirmed sig-nificant diversity of total values of projects, awarded grants and branches. So far, only small part of them has been implemented in high-technology sectors. With regard to the number of projects, the majority has been implemented using own funds. The results show high concentration of projects in Tri-City Agglomeration. According to our findings, firms rather carefully cooperate with external partners in implementing projects.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Golejewska, Damian Gajda
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