Czy Wikipedia jest książką sieciową?

Journal Title: Folia Bibliologica - Year 2014, Vol 55, Issue


In the twenty first century in the library – science and information science discourse new terms were introduced. Among them appeared those that indicate a new (digital) forms of books. One of them is networked book. The term and at the same time the idea of networked book appeared in early 2005. Then, a lecturer in creative writing at Columbia University, Kim White has published entry on her blog, in which she wondered about the possibility of creating book as network/networked book. Soon after, researchers, media experts, information science specialists etc. began to speak out about the networked books suggesting what they think the networked book is. More over, in the first decade of the twenty-first century, a number of projects (called networked books) have been completed. As a result, there has been a dichotomy. On the one hand theoretical and scientific works were written, on the other hand networked books have been developed. Analysis of theoretical statements justify considering Wikipedia to be a networked book. While the analysis of already completed projects does not allow for it and therefore Wikipedia can not be considered for the networked book. Therefore, the article attempts to answer the question: whether the popular online encyclopedia Wikipedia meets the demands placed before this new type of book. In other words, if Wikipedia can be considered as an example of networked book?

Authors and Affiliations

Sebastaian Kotuła


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  • EP ID EP167434
  • DOI 10.17951/fb.2013.55.131
  • Views 61
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How To Cite

Sebastaian Kotuła (2014). Czy Wikipedia jest książką sieciową?. Folia Bibliologica, 55(), 131-145.