One of the most important events in the history is the event of emigration (the hijrah). The Prophet (pbuh.), have recommended his companions whom were being crushed with the pressure from polytheists of Mecca, to move o...
هذه الدراسة تحتوي رسالة "إختيارات من قراءات أبي حنيفة رحمة الله عليه" لأبي الفضل الخذاعي وهو إمام المقرئ عاش في العصر الرابع للهجري وتقدم بعض التعليقات في هذا الموضوع. وهذه الرسالة التي أشیرت إلیها فی معظم کتب التراجم و...
In this study, violations of right which reverberate to the pious muslims over the newlyacquired habits in Turkish with the motive of philosophical detection in the form of determining and managing the world perception o...
Peygamberler, bir zincirin halkaları gibi birbirlerini tamamlayan seçkin kullardır. Bunlar öncelikle gönderildiği kavim/kavimler için olmak üzere diğer peygamber ve kavimler için de örnektirler. Kur’an-ı Kerim Hz. Mûsâ g...
The Relations of the Hadith and History in the Islamic Historiography (Example of the Hijrah)
One of the most important events in the history is the event of emigration (the hijrah). The Prophet (pbuh.), have recommended his companions whom were being crushed with the pressure from polytheists of Mecca, to move o...
أبو الفضل الخزاعي ورسالته: إختيارات من قراءات أبي حنيفة رحمه الله
هذه الدراسة تحتوي رسالة "إختيارات من قراءات أبي حنيفة رحمة الله عليه" لأبي الفضل الخذاعي وهو إمام المقرئ عاش في العصر الرابع للهجري وتقدم بعض التعليقات في هذا الموضوع. وهذه الرسالة التي أشیرت إلیها فی معظم کتب التراجم و...
Conflicts of Right which Appear over the Marginalisation of the Pious Muslims in Turkey
In this study, violations of right which reverberate to the pious muslims over the newlyacquired habits in Turkish with the motive of philosophical detection in the form of determining and managing the world perception o...
Kur’an ve Hadisler Bağlamında Hz. Dâvûd’un Örnekliği
Peygamberler, bir zincirin halkaları gibi birbirlerini tamamlayan seçkin kullardır. Bunlar öncelikle gönderildiği kavim/kavimler için olmak üzere diğer peygamber ve kavimler için de örnektirler. Kur’an-ı Kerim Hz. Mûsâ g...
Personalizmin İki Kurucusu N. A. Berdiyaev ve Emmanuel Mounier