Determination of strategic development directions of restaurant industry institutions on benchmarking bases

Journal Title: Економічний аналіз - Year 2018, Vol 28, Issue 3


Introduction. The article deals with the issues of strategic development of restaurant industry institutions. Nowadays, the fractal structuring is one of the most efficient tools for the study of complex organizations. This structuring has allowed using a hierarchical system of indicators to carry out a strategic assessment and develop the direction of strategic development of enterprises. Purpose. The article aims is to determine the directions of strategic development of the restaurants of Kharkiv, which are the part of the networks, on the basis of benchmarking. For this purpose, the system of restaurant management is proposed to be structured according to a fractal hierarchy using evolutionary principles. Method. The method of taxonomic analysis and modern methods of benchmarking have been used to find and study the best-known methods of generating business and helping to improve service delivery processes relatively quickly and at the lowest cost. These methods aim at assessing and determining the directions of strategic development of restaurant facilities in the networks. Results. Based on the data as for the activity of restaurants in the network structure and the results of the assessment of their strategic development, the reduction of the distance from the leading enterprise by the level of the taxonomic indicator has been calculated by improving each factor. The factors can determine the level of strategic development in the enterprise under the analyses. The calculations have been executed according to the indicators, which reflect the fractal structure of the organization of the restaurant industry. The results of the analysis have allowed the identification of such strategic directions as menu optimization, improvement of the quality of service, net profit, turnover, establishment of rates and efficiency of using the network benefits (profitability).

Authors and Affiliations

Serhii Seliutin


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How To Cite

Serhii Seliutin (2018). Determination of strategic development directions of restaurant industry institutions on benchmarking bases. Економічний аналіз, 28(3), 184-191.