Effect of packing type and storage time on tea (Camellia sinensis L.) seed germination
Journal Title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences - Year 2013, Vol 4, Issue 5
Tea seed is a recalcitrant seed with week storage ability. Of course, tea seed germination is affected by storage method and ambient conditions, storage time and genotype. In order to investigation of storage times, packaging types and environmental conditions in cellar effects on tea seed germination, an experiment was conducted using split plots experimental design with four replicates. Based on analysis of variances, it was found the difference among sampling times (0, 8, 16 and 24 weeks after harvesting) and the packaging type (fine sand, charcoal powder and polyethylene bags) was significantly at 1% level. The comparison of means on Duncan's multiple range test showed that the highest and lowest germination percentage was in fine sand and polyethylene bags, respectively. The means of sampling times was also marked although germination after storage for 8 weeks did not change significantly, but after 16 weeks (39/8%) and 24 weeks (5/8%) greatly decreased. According to multiple regression analysis by stepwise method, from among three mentioned independent variables, only seed moisture content had a significant regression coefficient. Based on results of this study, environmental factors in storage period had indirectly effects on tea seed germination percentage through seed moisture content. Thus, whatever tea seed packaging method can reduce the risk due to environmental effects on seed moisture content, it is expected that germination is preserved for a longer time. The results revealed that tea recalcitrant seed if be storage in wet fine sand (5% w/w) and in a darkness cellar with more than 95% relative humidity and ambient temperature below 10°C throughout the storage time, up to about six months can to maintain its acceptable viability, approximately.
Authors and Affiliations
M. Jamalomidi| Department of biology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran, M. Gholami| Seed and plant Improvement Division, Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center of Guilan, Rasht, Iran
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