Field trip in the Kerala
Journal Title: Landform Analysis - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 35
This report contains short information about the geomorphological field trip in Kerala State. The field trip was largely focused on various geomorphological and geoecological aspects of laterites and backwaters which dominate in landscape of Kerala. One of the main highlights of the field trip was to the examination of type locality of laterite. Nearly 60% of the Kerala is covered by laterite or laterite-derived materials, and lateritisation process dominates the landform development from the coast to foothills. The second main highlights of the field trip was to the examination of backwaters which are a network of five big lakes (lagoons and estuaries) and rivers linked by natural and man-made canals.
Authors and Affiliations
Zofia Rączkowska, Paweł Prokop, Małgorzata Kijowska-Strugała
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