From Ottoman Mufassirs Mehmed Şükrullah Gelenbevî and His Tafseer Methodology
Journal Title: Mütefekkir - Year 2015, Vol 2, Issue 3
Up to date from the period when the revelation was revealed, many books have been written in understanding the Qur'an. Very serious scientific heritage was left in the field of interpretation. Ottoman period Qur’an interpretations are the last link in the chain coming up to date. Examining this heritage which waits on the shelves of the history in detail will be very meaningful in transferring Qur’an with its values and content to the future generations. First chapter of the study deals with the Ottoman scientific and cultural life and evaluates the Interpretation/Tafseer in the Ottoman Education Institutions. The second chapter includes the life of Mehmed Şükrullah and the third chapter tackles his role as an interpreter. This one-volume work called Âsâr-ı Nûr, which we hereby introduce, is one of the examples of recent interpretations. This work reflects the classical scientific tradition of the Ottoman era. It is an example which will be a reference for its successor works. It is also an example of “Meâl-Tafseer”, which doesn’t include details seen in the classical interpretations and aims at teaching the public. This article has given general information about Âsâr-ı Nûr and its method of the commentary in terms of the riwayah and dirayah. Interpretation aspect of the work, unique features of the book’s authorship and its presentation constitute the main objective of the study.
Authors and Affiliations
Ali Cüneyt EREN
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