Functional and componental structure of the concept AGREEMENT in English


The article focuses on the functional and structural peculiarities of the concept AGREEMENT in the English language. It is stated that there are different approaches to the analysis of concepts but, on the whole, they fall into two basic approaches – structural and hierarchical, cognitive and epistemological. The author argues that the analysis of concepts should employ the methods of both approaches and suggests the scheme of such analysis. Based on the results of lexicographic sources analysis and the data of associative experiment, the structural and functional components of the concept AGREEMENT are allocated and described. Thus, it was revealed that the nucleus of the concept is represented by the following meanings: having the same opinion, arrangement to a course of action, legally binding contract, the absence of incompatibility between two things. The co-nuclear zone includes such meanings as the state of being happy together living in concord and support. The component of peripheral zone is a formal, usually written settlement between nations and oral official settlement between two nations. The described features functionally represent the informational content of the concept. The sensual image of the concept AGREEMENT is formed by such meanings as sharing opinion, support, approval. The evaluative or cultural component of the studied concept is formed by the present in the English mentality image of agreement as a way to harmony in relationships. The evaluative component is considered to be nationally-bound. As a result of the study, it was proved that the concept AGREEMENT in English is a multidimensional unit that has a layered structure and is determined by culture.

Authors and Affiliations

А. А. Юмрукуз


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How To Cite

А. А. Юмрукуз (2018). Functional and componental structure of the concept AGREEMENT in English. Науковий вісник Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка. Серія: Філологічні науки (мовознавство), 9(), 252-255.