Гендерні пріоритети у структурі гуманітарної складової суспільного розвитку


In this article the author investigates the main aspects of the society humanitarian development through the prism of gender priorities. On the legislative basis of the United Nations Organization, UNESCO and EU the formation of the gender culture on the international level is interpreted. The author also pays attention to the international institution’s activity in gender problems and points out the im-portance of taking into consideration the world society background in this field to be used on the na-tional level. Analyzing the Ukrainian normative and legislative basis in the mentioned problem the peculiarity of the gender steps used in education, science and culture are shown. It is proved that the ways of state gender policy functioned in Ukraine are not always supported by state structures. Structures that ha-ven’t made their own mechanisms of gender policy realization yet, especially in the humanitarian sphere. Moreover, the gender policy model needs more thorough working-out taking into considera-tion both international experience and national identity in social and economical, society and political and cultural development of the state and its citizens. Having defined the gender stereotypes as the social norms it is proved that their spreading is a “set-back” on the way of social request for gender policy formation. The steps that show the gender equali-ty and the extension of women rights and possibilities in different spheres, first of all in the humanitar-ian one, are challenged with their misunderstanding both by people that might realize mentioned steps and the society in particular.

Authors and Affiliations

Tamara Marusyk


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How To Cite

Tamara Marusyk (2016). Гендерні пріоритети у структурі гуманітарної складової суспільного розвитку. Історико-політичні проблеми сучасного світу, 33(), 257-266. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-203558