Kilka słów o spotkaniu świętości i nierządu w przestrzeni biograficznej
Journal Title: Biografistyka Pedagogiczna - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 1
Although sanctity and debauchery do not usually go hand in hand, they often come across each other in various dimensions. The biographical aspect certainly is among them, and these meetings have a reciprocal infl uence on the representatives of sanctity and debauchery. The former bolster their holiness by serving the morally fallen women, the latter receive support and gain the courage to change their lives. There are numerous such meetings, from Christ and for example his meeting with Mary Magdalene, through the activities of Maria Karłowski, which resulted in the foundation of a religious congregation aimed at the social rehabilitation of prostitutes, Sister Luitbergia Janiszewska, or the present activities of Sister Anna Bałchan.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Gołdyn
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