Комунікативно-прагматичний потенціал кліше в українському медіапросторі
Journal Title: Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue
The article deals with the communicative and pragmatic peculiarities of clichés as regular standardised stereotypical units in the language of the Ukrainian mass media. The pragmatics of clichés is to be found in the process of every day mass communication. Social and linguistic conditions refl ect the wide potentialities of cliché usage in mass media discourse. They correspond to the key principles of the mass media’s language which is the well-ordered alternation of standard and expressive language units. Using clichés is based on the fact that an addresser’s linguistic production and an addressee’s comprehension settle the contradiction between our needs in communication and the tendency to minimise our physical and mental efforts. The presupposition of using clichés is considered to be stereotyped knowledge based on the notional connection between the explicit meaning of a standardised formula and the implicit socio- and lingua-cultural experience of the communicants. Explicitly indicating factual information with the help of clichés determines the language strategies of the parties in communication. Using clichés provides an opportunity to manipulate both collective and individual consciousness.
Authors and Affiliations
Natalia Szarmanowa
Jubileusz 65-lecia Katedry Ukrainistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
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