Konferencja Doktorantów pt. „Sobór Watykański II jako źródło Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego”, Warszawa, 12 czerwca 2013
Journal Title: Kościół i Prawo - Year 2013, Vol 2, Issue 2
Authors and Affiliations
Agnieszka Romanko
Agnieszka Romanko
Participation in the liturgy of the Holy Mass – concept and requirements
The problem connected with the issue of the participation of the Christian faithful in the liturgy of the Holy Mass has always been and still is the subject of many Church documents published by the Popes or the Roman Cu...
V Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa Kodeks Prawa Kanonicznego w badaniach młodych naukowców, Lublin, 4 czerwca 2016 roku
Wynagrodzenie duchownych w Republice Słowackiej
This article discusses the reward system of the clergy by the state. Slovakia is one of the few countries where the priests – servants cult the of worship, are rewarded by the state. At first glance, it seems that it is...
Sprawstwo czynu zabronionego w świetle art. 194 Kodeksu karnego z 1997 roku
The article applies to criminal liability arising from religious discrimination. Article reflect definition of offender and perpetration. It discusses the possibility of committing a criminal act in the forms of phenomen...
Czy można sprzedawać rzeczy święte?
Code of the Canon Law does not forbid selling sacred objects. The only exception is the sale of relics. In case of selling or passing the sacred object to another person one should take care to avoid the risk of profanat...