From the perspective of cultural anthropology, immersion is a psychosocial phenomenon
consisting in absorbing consciousness of a viewer completely fascinated by a perceived
Deceptive impression of communing with...
The article discusses the motifs inspired by the Chinese culture in Franz Kafka’s work.
The main part is devoted to the interpretation of the short story The Great Wall of China,
written by Kafka in the turbulent year of...
The article discusses grammatical, semantic and pragmatic linguistic style indicators
appearing in the dialogues of Lech Majewski’s film The Knight from 1980. The analysis of
the material proved that the film is dominate...
This article is the result of my considerations on the future of Poland. It is a proposal
for creation of a research project devoted to a systemic analysis of the transformation process
and aimed at grasping the transiti...
EP ID EP187986
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How To Cite
Andrzej Skrendo (2016). „La La La” – Postscriptum do Bayamusa Stefana Themersona. Przegląd Humanistyczny, 60(3),
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Immersja. Studium antropologii obrazu
From the perspective of cultural anthropology, immersion is a psychosocial phenomenon consisting in absorbing consciousness of a viewer completely fascinated by a perceived message. Deceptive impression of communing with...
Kafka i Chiny
The article discusses the motifs inspired by the Chinese culture in Franz Kafka’s work. The main part is devoted to the interpretation of the short story The Great Wall of China, written by Kafka in the turbulent year of...
Językowa stylizacja historyczna w "Rycerzu" Lecha Majewskiego
The article discusses grammatical, semantic and pragmatic linguistic style indicators appearing in the dialogues of Lech Majewski’s film The Knight from 1980. The analysis of the material proved that the film is dominate...
Kołysanka czy emergencja?
Poszukiwanie tożsamości w procesie transformacyjnym
This article is the result of my considerations on the future of Poland. It is a proposal for creation of a research project devoted to a systemic analysis of the transformation process and aimed at grasping the transiti...