Laboratory Study of Soil Shear Strength Improvement with Polyester Fibres
Journal Title: Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe - Year 2019, Vol 27, Issue 2
Authors and Affiliations
Giang Nguyen
Giang Nguyen
Badania sprawności działania urządzenia rozciągowego na czterostrumieniowy system przędzenia kompaktowego
Przędzarkę kompaktową wyposażono w czteroparwałkowy aparat rozciągowy i dodatkową cholewkę umożliwiającą kondensację włókien i zmniejszenie trójkąta przędzenia i poprawę jakości przędzy, zwłaszcza zmniejszenie włochatośc...
Examining the Relation Between the Number and Location of Tuck Stitches and Bursting Strength in Circular Knitted Fabrics
Single jersey fabrics are the most common type among knitted fabrics. Their patterns are designed by loops, tuck and float stitches and their combinations. The tuck stitch has important influences on fabric properties...
Carbon Footprint of Different Kinds of Footwear – a Comparative Study
The carbon footprint of a product (CFP) approach is one of the most important tools which gives a possibility to estimate the total amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the whole life cycle of consumer goods. A lo...
Fabrication of High Nano-ZnO Doped with Boric Acid Assembled on Cotton Fabric with Flame Retardant Properties
In this study, an attempt was made to investigate the flame retardancy of cotton fabrics coated with a high nano-ZnO content. Via a simply method in situ, a novel ZnO/cotton composite can be fabricated with a high propor...
Impact of Hexaamidocyclotriphosphazene on the Flame Retardancy of Paper
In this paper, the flame retardancy of hexaamidocyclotriphosphazene (HACTP) in paper was studied by limiting oxygen index measurement, the vertical burning test and cone calorimetry test. Meanwhile the mechanism was disc...