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Journal Title: Schulz/Forum - Year 2016, Vol 8, Issue 8
Wiersz na motywach Schulz autorstwa Łukasz Kamińskiego.
Authors and Affiliations
Łukasz Kamiński
Wiersz na motywach Schulz autorstwa Łukasz Kamińskiego.
Łukasz Kamiński
Opowieść robak toczy
Jakub Woynarowski limits the plot of his comic book based on Schulz’s fiction to a minimum: the composition consists of full-page planes while balloons have been replaced by micro-narration. Placing the quotes from Schul...
Transpacyficzna transcendencja. O tłumaczeniu Schulza na język chiński
In Trans-Pacifc Transcendence. Translating Bruno Schulz into Chinese, the Taiwanese poet and translator Wei-Yun Lin-Górecka writes about her journey into The Age of Genius – how she fell in love with Bruno Schulz’s book...
Komentowanie i oczywistości
The author makes a general statement that writers such as Bruno Schulz, who do not help their audience interpret their texts, require commentary that is potentially boundless. Referring to the tradition of Polish editors...
Herezje Jana Gondowicza
The essay is a review of Jan Gondowicz’s most recent book, Trans-Autentyk. Nie-czyste formy Brunona Schulza [Trans-Authentic. Bruno Schulz’s Im-pure Forms]. Most of the texts included in the volume focus on Schulz’s grap...
Demiurg jest dwoistością. Alfred Kubin i Bruno Schulz – próba porównania
Both Bruno Schulz and Aflred Kubin moved freely between image and word. In their artistic quests they first turned toward the iconic and only then chose the verbal art. In Schulz’s work, the relationship between woman an...