Models of state management on influence on socio-economic development of countries in period of transformation at the modern stage


The process of enhancing the efficiency of state management should determine short-term management objectives and tasks, increase their corporate governance and information transparency; restriction of the expansion of the state sector of the economy, including by establishing and adhering to a system of adequate prohibitions and restrictions, as well as compliance with the planning and guarantees of long-term implementation of the stated goals and objectives. The balance of interests is achieved by making decisions in terms of economic efficiency and social responsibility, recording short and long-term goals and objectives by means of continuity of control over achievements by the entities of the management of goals and objectives, indicators of their achievement, and also observance of the principles and mechanisms of management. Taking into account the priorities of economic development and improvement of the system of public administration of property, there must be unambiguous definition and formation of the necessary property for the performance of functions by state authorities and the creation of an effective system of state property management. In order to ensure a sustainable and systematic process of reducing the direct involvement of public authorities, it is necessary to make a transition from the sale of property or the sale of its business units; stimulating the development of the stock market, as well as modernization and technological development. Important is the introduction by the authorized central executive authorities, together with public associations, of mechanisms for assessing the quality of management of companies with state participation, based on the principles of openness and independence of conduct. The issue of establishing a public administration system in Ukraine is a natural response to trends and direct challenges and threats to the country's modern development.That is why it is so important to comprehensively study the elements and the directions of development of this system, and in particular, institutionalization. It was defined that the goal of the state management of Ukraine is to carry out effective activities by the state of domestic and foreign policy in different conditions. Thus, the system of state management is a complex notion, the meaning of which covers the following key components: subjects of state management, or the state authorities and non-governmental institutions, which are involvedintheprocessofthestate’spolicyformation;objectsofstatemanagement, whichisundertheorganizing influence of the state aimed at ensuring its proper level for the appropriate development of the state, society and personality; administrative activity, or specific subject-object relations or subject-subject ones, with the help of which the direct communication and feedback between subjects and objects of state management are implemented. Today, it is important to identify the verified threats and the strategic risks of sustainable social and economic development of the state through the processes of globalization of the world community. However, when developing draft strategic planning documents in Ukraine, the heuristic approach is most often used: the list of threats is established, as a rule, by expert means, the forecast part of the process remains outside of objective estimates. In the context of the risks of imbalances in the world economy, threats of crisis phenomena, changing approaches to mechanisms and instruments for the shadowing of economic activity is a prerequisite for ensuring economic stability to crisis phenomena.

Authors and Affiliations

І. М. Базарко,


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How To Cite

І. М. Базарко, (2018). Models of state management on influence on socio-economic development of countries in period of transformation at the modern stage. Публічне управління та митне адміністрування, 2(), 22-28.