اÙÙ٠ذجة اÙبÙائÙØ© ÙÙعÙاÙات اÙسببÙØ© بÙ٠إد٠ا٠اÙØ¥ÙترÙت ÙاÙاغتراب اÙزÙاج٠ÙاÙÙزÙÙ Ø© اÙÙÙسÙØ© Ùد٠اÙ٠تزÙجÙ٠٠٠٠ستخد٠٠اÙØ¥ÙترÙت
Journal Title: مجلة كلية الآداب جامعة بورسعيد - Year 2023, Vol 25, Issue 25
ÙدÙت اÙدراسة Ø¥Ù٠اÙتعر٠عÙ٠اÙعÙاÙات اÙسببÙØ© بÙÙ Ù٠٠٠إد٠ا٠اÙØ¥ÙترÙت ÙاÙاغتراب اÙزÙاج٠ÙاÙÙزÙÙ Ø© اÙÙÙسÙØ©Ø Ø£Ø¬Ø±Ùت اÙدراسة عÙ٠عÙÙØ© ÙÙÙØ© بÙغت 545 ٠٠اÙ٠تزÙجÙÙ(199 أزÙاج-346 زÙجات) ت٠اختÙارÙ٠بطرÙÙØ© Ù ÙصÙدة ٠٠اÙ٠تزÙجÙ٠٠٠٠ستخد٠٠اÙØ¥ÙترÙت ب٠د٠ع٠ر٠تراÙØ Ù Ù 18-70 سÙØ© ب٠تÙسط ع٠ر٠Ùدر٠33,20 ÙاÙØرا٠٠عÙار٠بÙغ 9,66Ø Ø·Ø¨Ù Ø¹ÙÙÙ٠اختبار ÙÙÙج ÙÙابÙا٠Ùاستخدا٠اÙØ¥ÙترÙت ترج٠ة إبراÙÙÙ Ø ÙÙ ÙÙاس اÙاغتراب اÙزÙاج٠إعداد اÙØسÙØ ÙÙ ÙÙاس اÙÙزÙÙ Ø© اÙÙÙسÙØ© إعداد أب٠ØÙاÙØ© ÙرزÙØ Ø£Ø¸Ùرت اÙÙتائج ÙجÙد تأثÙر ٠باشر ÙغÙر ٠باشر بÙ٠إد٠ا٠اÙØ¥ÙترÙت ÙاÙاغتراب اÙزÙاج٠اÙعا٠ب٠ختÙ٠أبعاد٠ÙاÙÙزÙÙ Ø© اÙÙÙسÙØ©Ø ÙÙجÙد تأثÙر ٠باشر ÙغÙر ٠باشر بÙ٠اÙÙزÙÙ Ø© اÙÙÙسÙØ© ÙاÙاغتراب اÙزÙاج٠اÙعا٠ب٠ختÙ٠أبعادÙØ Ùعد٠ÙجÙد ÙرÙ٠داÙØ© Ø¥ØصائÙÙا بÙ٠اÙأزÙاج ÙاÙزÙجات Ù٠إد٠ا٠اÙØ¥ÙترÙØªØ Ø¨ÙÙ٠ا Ùجدت ÙرÙ٠طبÙا Ù٠دة اÙزÙاج(ÙصÙرة-Ø·ÙÙÙØ©) Ù٠اتجا٠٠دة اÙزÙاج اÙÙصÙØ±Ø©Ø Ùعد٠ÙجÙد ÙرÙ٠داÙØ© Ø¥ØصائÙÙا بÙ٠اÙأزÙاج ÙاÙزÙجات Ù٠اÙاغتراب اÙزÙاج٠ب٠ختÙ٠أبعادÙØ Ø¨ÙÙ٠ا Ùجدت ÙرÙ٠داÙØ© Ø¥ØصائÙÙا بÙ٠اÙ٠تزÙجÙÙ Ù٠دة ÙصÙرة ÙاÙ٠تزÙجÙÙ Ù٠دة Ø·ÙÙÙØ© Ù٠اÙاغتراب اÙزÙاج٠ب٠ختÙ٠أبعاد٠ÙÙ٠ا عدا بعد٠اÙتشاؤ٠٠٠٠ستÙب٠اÙØÙاة اÙزÙجÙØ© ÙاÙÙا٠عÙارÙØ© Ù٠اتجا٠اÙ٠تزÙجÙÙ Ù٠دة Ø·ÙÙÙØ©Ø ÙØ£Ùضا٠عد٠ÙجÙد ÙرÙ٠داÙØ© Ø¥ØصائÙÙا بÙ٠اÙأزÙاج ÙاÙزÙجات Ù٠اÙÙزÙÙ Ø© اÙÙÙسÙØ©Ø ÙÙØ°Ù٠٠دة اÙزÙاج ÙاÙتÙاع٠بÙÙÙ٠ا.AbstractThe study aimed to identify the causal relationships between Internet addiction, marital alienation and psychological defeatism. The study was conducted on a total sample of 545 married(199 husbands - 346 wives) who were purposively selected from married Internet users whose an age ranged of 18 - 70 years old, with average age of 33.20 and a standard deviation 9.66. Young's and Kaplan test for Internet use were translated by Ibrahim, the marital alienation scale prepared by Al-Hassan, and the psychological defeatism scale prepared by Abu Halawa and Rizk, the results showed that there was a direct and indirect effect between Internet addiction and general marital alienation and its various dimensions and psychological defeatism in married couples, and there was a direct and indirect effect between psychological defeatism and general marital alienation in its various dimensions among married couples, and there are no statistically significant differences between husbands and wives in Internet addiction, While there are differences according to the duration of marriage (short-long) in the direction of the short duration of marriage, and there are no statistically significant differences between husbands and wives in marital alienation and its various dimensions, while there are statistically significant differences between those married for a short time and those married for a long time in marital alienation in its various dimensions except for the two dimensions of hopeless about the future of marital life and the normlessness in the direction of those married for a long time, and also that there are no statistically significant differences between husbands and wives in psychological defeatism, as well as The duration of marriage and the interaction between them.
Authors and Affiliations
أثر اÙبÙئة اÙØ£ÙدÙسÙØ© Ù٠اÙØ£ØÙا٠اÙÙÙÙÙØ© عÙد اب٠اÙعرب٠اÙ٠اÙÙÙ
 أصبØت ÙÙرة اÙØ¥ÙÙÙÙ ÙØ© ٠٠اÙ٠سÙ٠ات اÙ٠عت٠دة Ù٠اÙÙÙر اÙØ¥ÙساÙ٠بشÙÙ Ø¹Ø§Ù Ø Ùب٠ا أ٠اÙÙÙÙ ÙÙر بشر٠ÙÙابد Ø£Ù Ùتأثر اÙÙÙÙ٠باÙØ...
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