Pilonidal sinus – history, epidemiology and pathophysiology
Journal Title: Nowa Medycyna - Year 2015, Vol 22, Issue 1
Pilonidal sinus is inconvenient, chronic inflammatory disease characterized by a high recurrence rate. The article focuses on the history, epidemiology and pathophysiology of pilonidal sinus. The authors presents etymology and brief historical review of the disease. Describe the latest epidemiological data, discusses the risk factors and pathophysiological theories. The authors mention of the possibility of occur the sinus far beyond the anal area: around armpits, suprapubic area, the space between the fingers of the hairdressers, feet, penis, in the scar after the Tenckhoff catheter, intermammary space, umbilical, eyelid, the clitoris or in the nose. The authors describe the pathophysiology of pilonidal sinus formation associated with the penetration of the hair into the intergluteal region, cellulitis and the formation of the final shape of the sinus. Mention about additional fistulas, which the shape depends on the local architecture of tissues and the penetration course of the hair. Furthermore, the authors present the typical course of the disease and the most common complications. A multiplicity of operational methods demonstrates the complexity of the pilonidal sinus treatment and the fact that there is no single successful operating procedure. To this day, there is no unanimity in the theory of formation of this disease.
Authors and Affiliations
Paweł Dutkiewicz, Przemysław Ciesielski
Pilonidal sinus – history, epidemiology and pathophysiology
Pilonidal sinus is inconvenient, chronic inflammatory disease characterized by a high recurrence rate. The article focuses on the history, epidemiology and pathophysiology of pilonidal sinus. The authors presents etymolo...
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