Plonowanie i wartość energetyczna wybranychgatunków traw wysokich
Journal Title: Łąkarstwo w Polsce - Year 2017, Vol 20, Issue
The purpose of the experiment was to determine the yield and energy value of tall grass biomass according to different doses of nitrogen fertilization. The yielding of the examined grasses was very various in years and depended on weather conditions, especially on the amount of rainfall. The highest annual yield was obtained in the third year (2010) when two harvests collected and favourable weather conditions were recorded. The dry matter yield ranged from 7.77 t ha–1 (Dactylis glomerata ) to 9.26 t ha–1 (Bromus inermis). Average yields in three years of research varied from 5.91 up to 7.3 tons of dry matter per ha. Significantly highest yield was recorded for Bromus inermis. The application of nitrogen fertilization significantly influenced obtained biomass, except 2008 year. Considering average nitrogenapplication for the species and years of research, results showed that 120 kg N ha–1 caused significant yield increase, while yield increase in dose of 180 kg N ha–1 resulted in further increase, however the difference wasn’t significant. The studied grass species differ significantly in energy characteristic and chemical composition. Significantly highest heat of combustion and calorific value was recorded for Arrhenatherum elatius. It was similar to the heat of combustion of Salix spp., but higher than Sida hermaphrodita. Among examined grasses, in Bromus inermis measured of highest level of carbon and low content of crude ash as well as very low content of sulfur.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Bałuch-Małecka, Marzenna Olszewska, Jacek Alberski
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