Проблемні питання статусу керівника органу досудового розслідування в кримінальному процесуальному законодавстві України
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2018, Vol 83, Issue 3
У статті на підставі чинного кримінального процесуального законодавства та нормативно-правової бази здійснено дослідження правового статусу й повноважень керівника органу досудового розслідування. Зокрема, окремо розглянуто його організаційні та контрольні функції з огляду на наукову дискусію з цих питань. Надано пропозиції для вдосконалення законодавства з урегулювання та визначення питань щодо організаційних і контрольних функцій керівника органу досудового розслідування з теоретичних і прикладних напрямів його діяльності. On the basis of the existing criminal procedural legislation and normative-legal framework, the article analyzes the legal status and powers of the head of the pre-trial investigation body, in particular, its organizational and control functions are considered separately, taking into account the scientific discussion on these issues. Proposals on improvement of legislation on regulation and definition of questions concerning organizational and controlling functions of the head of the pre-trial investigation body on the theoretical and applied directions of his activity are given. An important role in solving the tasks facing law enforcement authorities, in particular regarding the rights and freedoms of citizens, belongs to the body of pre-trial investigation. The leader and his role in the organization of pre-trial investigation is essential. It was with the adoption in 2012 of the new Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine, the study of problematic issues in the legal regulation of activities, in particular the head of the pre-trial investigation body, became even more urgent. In accordance with the current Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine, the head of the pre-trial investigation body is the Chief of the Main Investigation Department, the Investigative Department, the Division, the Office of the National Police, the Security Authority, the body supervising compliance with the tax law, the State Bureaus of Investigation, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau Ukraine, the bodies of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine and its deputies acting within their powers. At the same time, the issue of reforming the types, forms and bodies of pre-trial investigation, experiments with them, and in particular the improvement of the legal status of the head of the pre-trial investigation body was not raised, although the discussion in this direction continues, which prompts for scientific research. Attention in scientific studies was mainly focused on the clarification of the essence of certain elements of the criminal procedural competence of the heads of structural bodies of pre-trial investigation, their role and functions, but his competence remains unheeded when performing official and procedural powers, and others. In the article, the authors aim to analyze the legal status of the head of the pre-trial investigation body on the basis of the current state of the current legislation, in particular, its organizational and other functions.
Authors and Affiliations
С. О. Сичов, Олександр Олександрович Юхно
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