Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2010, Vol 58, Issue 6
The studies based on using selective research are one of the main instruments in the strategy building process at the managing level of academic facilities and collecting the data in the most effective way possible is one of the main problems that this kind of studies can arise. A way of solving this problem could be collecting the necessary data online, which implies human and financial resources a lot reduced compared to the classical way. Based on selective research, conducted among students, it has been tested the quality of the data collected online, by comparing them to the ones collected by face-to-face interviews. The studies that use selective research, conducted in the academic environment, in student collectivities, alumni, future possible students, the employers that might need the university’s graduates etc., are quite suitable for using the online collecting method of the data, due to the characteristics of the analyzed collectivities.
Authors and Affiliations
Vasile Alecsandru STRAT
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