Rare localized anterior tracheal thymic cyst case in geriatric age
Journal Title: Türk Klinik ve Laboratuvar Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 9, Issue 2
The thymic cysts are uncommon lessions. The mediastinal thymic cysts are frequently seen in anterior mediastinum. Anterior tracheal thymic cysts can be infrequently identified. The 70 years old woman was administrated to hospital with dyspnea complain. After the analysis of the patient, 40*38 mm dimension cysts was detected at anterior tracheal area. The patient went through surgery using cervical incision and 4 cm dimension cystic lession is totally excised from anterior trachea. The pathological examination was reported as thymic cysts. We discussed the thymic cyst case showing uncommon settlement in the context of literature.
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