Revoluția Română. Adevărul între rigoare academică, partizanat politic și meandrele justiției

Journal Title: Anuarul Institutului Revoluției Române din Decembrie 1989 - Year 2023, Vol 1, Issue 1


This paper looks at the relationship between “judicial truth”, “historical truth” and political bias in historical past research from a methodological perspective. It starts with an analysis of a specific case, which is used to highlight the problems arising from the “judicialization” of contemporary history. The case is taken from Romanian history and consists of a complicated set of controversies which all ensued from the same analysis of December 1989 events. The opinions rendered in these analyses are particularly interesting, not only because they extend over a long period but also because they delineate various political “truths” and judicial truths that interact with the interpretation of the same events given by historians. The paper shows how much these “truths” varied, how must be judged and what is their relationship with the historical past research in the historian’s work.

Authors and Affiliations

Constantin Hlihor


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How To Cite

Constantin Hlihor (2023). Revoluția Română. Adevărul între rigoare academică, partizanat politic și meandrele justiției. Anuarul Institutului Revoluției Române din Decembrie 1989, 1(1), -.