Social death in seniors
Journal Title: Family Forum - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 8
Dying and death are parts ofthe life and are unique and personal to everyone. People are afraid ofdeath, often due the fear ofthe unknown, suffering and loss ofthe quality oflife. Death as such is affecting seniors most, which is, ofcourse; relating to the life cycle. With ageing people are clearly aware ofthe irreversibility ofthis cycle and especially in cases, when decreasing ofquality oftheir lives is linked with hospitalization or other forms ofsocial care, which are requiring them to leave their home and social environment. Palliative care is applied in the terminal stages ofthe disease in present time and the process ofdying is an integral part ofnursing care. Seniors assess life via the quality oflife. This quality oflife is judged on its own values, which are in different order for everyone: health, social networking, free time activities or financial situation. Hospitalization ofthe senior often leads to social isolation, which in many cases ends with social death, and it usually comes much earlier than biological death. The aim ofthe paper is to draw the attention ofthe professional and general public to the phenomenon ofsocial isolation and social death ofseniors, which in our society, and not only in Slovakia, is beginning to emerge as amore and more current issue.
Authors and Affiliations
Valeria Horanska, Lubomira Lizakova
Table of contents
Table of contents
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