
Стаття присвячена темі такого домінуючого на сьогодні виду телевізійного продукту, як телесеріал. Автор розглядає вплив медіапростору і медіапродуктів на свідомість і підсвідомість людини, роль медіапродукту в житті глядача, «якісність» - «неякісність» того чи іншого медіапродукту. В статті проаналізовані причини популярності телесеріалів, зокрема американських детективних телесеріалів. Автор також виявляє найбільш поширені штампові аудіовізуальні дискурси в американських детективних телесеріалах, що зустрічаються найчастіше, та визначає причини наявності штампів в контенті цього медіапродукту. The television of the 21st century is increasingly becoming an environment of hybrid cultural forms. We can observe blurring of the boundaries between television genres, modern media space is becoming more and more complex in its structure and saturated in its content. Media products are becoming more and more susceptible to the environment in which they «originate», and their complexity and saturation are due to the complexity of modern media space. Information is transformed into expensive goods, and the media play the role of stimulating the consumption of this product. Multimedia discourses, being audiovisual by nature, are very emotional; thanks to them, the irrational, sensory components of the audience’s consciousness are more often involved in communication. Nowadays, audiovisuality becomes a significant attribute of modern mass culture, opening up spaces for the implementation of manipulative strategies and acting as a hidden effect on the human subconscious. The article deals with the influence of media space and media products on the consciousness and subconscious of a person, the role of media products in the life of the viewer, «quality» – «poor quality» of a particular media product. TV series becomes a dominant form of television media production, since the production of the series is relatively inexpensive compared to the release of a feature film. Television series is one of the most complex in its structure, since it is at the intersection of three areas: cinema, theatrical art and television. At the same time, it continues to exist, in spite of the large number of viewers moving from watching TV to virtual computer space, as a highly required media product in the field of mass culture, as it continues to provide TV channels with high rating positions that underlies the commercial activities of TV channels. TV series is not just a movie piece and one of the genres of mass culture, it is a phenomenon that holds a strong position both in its content and in its functional component. It has a focus on the viewer, the end user of this media product, it is one of the most influential tools of audiovisual action on the minds of the viewers; it has a significant, including negative, effect on its target audience. Often the series even helps the viewer determine his/her ideological orientations in real life. The purpose of the series is the confirmation of «basic illusions». People’s perception of the world is associated with certain patterns and patterns of behaviour. Despite the fact that reality does not always coincide with these patterns, it does not affect what they are. Thus, the basic illusions are the same patterns of behaviour, but in dramatic development. The author of the article analyzes the reasons for the popularity of the TV series. The article also reveals the most common clichés of audiovisual discourses in American detective TV series, which are most frequently encountered. The author defines the reasons for the presence of clichés in the content of such a media product as an American detective television series.

Authors and Affiliations

S. Yablokov


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How To Cite

S. Yablokov (2017). ШТАМПИ В АМЕРИКАНСЬКОМУ ДЕТЕКТИВНОМУ СЕРІАЛІ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 7(13), 120-130. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-434344