Сучасний стан дендрофлори парку культури і відпочинку м. Вільногірськ Дніпропетровської області
Journal Title: Питання біоіндикації та екології - Year 2017, Vol 22, Issue 2
The species diversity, taxonomic indices and the living condition of the woody plantations in the culture and recreation park in Vilnohirsk has been studied. It is established, that 1003 specimens grow on the territory of the park, plants belong to 17 families. In total, 33 species of trees and shrubs grow in the park. Dendroflora of the park is represented mainly by deciduous species – 96.03 % of plantings. Only three species are coniferous: Picea pungens, Picea abies and Platycladus orientalis. The most numerous in number of specimens were the families Sapindaceae and Salicaceae. By the number of species represented by the family, the most numerous are the families Sapindaceae and Oleaceae. There are dominant trees species in the park represented by Acer platanoides, Tilia cordata, Aesculus hippocastanum, Salix babylonica and Salix babylonica. Their amounts are 14.55; 12.06; 13.26 and 9.37 % relatively to the total number of plants. 15 species of trees belong to native species growing in the park of culture and recreation (36.6 % of all plantations). They are Acer platanoides, Tilia cordata, Aesculus hippocastanum, Salix babylonica, Populus pyramidalis, Ulmus parvifolia, Ulmus carpinifolia, Quercus robur, Acer campestre, Acer platanoides, Acer pseudoplatanus, Fraxinus excelsior, Sorbus aucuparia, Prunus padus, Picea abies, all species of Tilia, Betula pendula. By the diameter of the bole, the predominant group are the plants, for which this index varies from 33 to 43 cm. Their number is 31.4 % of the total number of trees. The smallest number of trees are represented with the values of this indicator ranging from 93 to 103 cm (0.7 %). About 43 % of the stands have a height of 9.1 to 13.0 m, plants over 21 m have only 34 pieces. The average diameter of the trunk varies within 34 cm, height – 14 m. The overwhelming number of plantings of the park is weakened. 41.8 % of the total number of them are on the pilot site. This is more than half of all Acer saccharinum, Acer campestre, Betula pendula, Robinia pseudoacacia and others. Plants without signs of weakening are represented by 24.3 % of their total, severely weakened – 30.6 %. 1.5 % of trees are dead wood. Изучен видовой состав и фитосанитарное состояние дендрофлоры парка культуры и отдыха г. Вольногорск. Установлено, что на территории парка произрастет 1003 екз. деревьев, относящиеся к 33-м видами и 17-ти семействам, из которых 96 % − лиственные. 36,6 % растений являются аборигенными. Насаждения представлены главным образом рядовыми и аллейными посадками, иногда группами. Наибольшее количество деревьев имеет диаметр штамба от 33 до 43 см (31,4 %), по высоте преобладают растения со значениями этого показателя 9,1−13,0 м (42,9 %). Средний диаметр ствола в насаждениях составляет 34 см, средняя высота – 14 м. Жизненное состояние древостоя парка оценено как ослабленное.
Authors and Affiliations
Іванченко О. Є. Ivanchenko O. E.
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Сучасний стан дендрофлори парку культури і відпочинку м. Вільногірськ Дніпропетровської області
The species diversity, taxonomic indices and the living condition of the woody plantations in the culture and recreation park in Vilnohirsk has been studied. It is established, that 1003 specimens grow on the territory o...