The Importance of Norms and Values. Comments on Jerzy Brzezinski Article
Journal Title: Roczniki Psychologiczne - Year 2014, Vol 17, Issue 3
I think Prof. Brzeziński has described some important issues facing Polish psychology and other disciplines. Moreover, I think that many of the issues he raises such as the rise of bibliometrics and honesty in conducting research apply to all countries and disciplines, not just Poland and psychology. In my comments I describe my broad agreement with the Professor's evaluations. The only difference between us is that I think that solutions to the problems science (and academia in general) face need to emphasize the roles of values and norms more than the Professor described. Aca-demia is in danger of being conceptualized as just another service business, a view that I think portends very poorly for the future. Noting this, I suspect he will agree with what I suggest, and that this difference is not one of substance, just relative emphasis.
Authors and Affiliations
John Nezlek
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