The meliponicultura as a productive activity: An analysis in a maroon communities of Paraiba backlands

Journal Title: ACTA Apicola Brasilica - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 1


In maroon communities, honey, wax and pollen, produced by native bees are widely used Having different purposes, which vary according to a local culture. The present study aims to show that beekeeping can constitute an opportunity to supplement income for the Maroons, city of Diamante, Paraíba state. The data collection was carried out from September to October 2015, at which time a previously elaborated questionnaire containing subjective questions was used. It was found that in relation to technical assistance by public bodies and encouragement for the practice of beekeeping, most participants who never received a visit from a technician to deal with the matter and that only a small portion already participated in a training about hygiene techniques in honey produced. Moreover, 85% of respondents believe that the main obstacle faced by them in relation to beekeeping concerns the lack of support and technical assistance; 15% added that beyond these obstacles, the lack of a proper flora in the region has also contributed to limiting the production of honey in the community.

Authors and Affiliations

Rosélia Maria de Sousa Santo, José Ozildo dos Santos, Aline Carla de Medeiros, Thiago Alves Pimenta, Tiago Silva Lima, José Lucas Guilherme Santos


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  • EP ID EP250398
  • DOI 10.18378/aab.v4i1.4622
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How To Cite

Rosélia Maria de Sousa Santo, José Ozildo dos Santos, Aline Carla de Medeiros, Thiago Alves Pimenta, Tiago Silva Lima, José Lucas Guilherme Santos (2016). The meliponicultura as a productive activity: An analysis in a maroon communities of Paraiba backlands. ACTA Apicola Brasilica, 4(1), 1-6.