The shape of front-back curves of the spine and somatic conditions at young adolescents playing the volleyball

Journal Title: Medycyna Sportowa - Year 2013, Vol 29, Issue 4


[b]Backgroung.[/b] Somatic features in children and young people are one of the basic criteria of selection for the particular sports disciplines. In case of volleyball players, the following features are considered: body height, slimness, and the correlation of the trunk length to the lower limbs length. The decision to take up systematic training during the period of intensive body growth may involve certain risks in the process of proper development. In volleyball, during a landing from a jump, some spine overloads in sagittal plane might be observed. The aim of this work is to assess somatic trunk parameters and spine curves in thirteen and fourteen-year-old volleyballball players compared to their non-training peers.[b]Material and methods. [/b]The volleyball players were examined during the Lower Silesia macro-region team assembly in Trzebnica and Milicz in the years 1999-2004. 89 boys and 126 girls were examined. The trunk parameters in volleyball players were compared to those of their peers living in Wrocław.[b]Results. [/b]On the basis of the analysis, it was assumed that volleyball players have significantly higher absolute values of their trunk parameters, at the same time, the body proportions in both groups are similar. In the case of spine curvatures, it was observed that the number of body posture disorders in volleyball players is similar to non-training individuals. [b]Conclusions. [/b]In male and female young volleyball players higher levels of somatic parameters were observed when compared to their non-training peers. Body proportions in volleyball players compared to girls and boys who do not practice sports are similar. The difference concerns the shoulder width in relation to the body height. The upper part of a trunk in volleyball players is wider than in their non-training peers. The spine shape in boys training volleyball does not differ when compared to that of their peers. The most common body posture type in boys is the kyphotic type. In girls who practice volleyball, no typical silhouette characteristic for their peers was observed. The frequency of body posture defects in young volleyball players is similar to that of non-training girls and boys.

Authors and Affiliations

Krystyna Chromik, Jarosław Fugiel, Małgorzata Kołodziej, Edyta Szczuka


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Krystyna Chromik, Jarosław Fugiel, Małgorzata Kołodziej, Edyta Szczuka (2013). The shape of front-back curves of the spine and somatic conditions at young adolescents playing the volleyball. Medycyna Sportowa, 29(4), -.