Therapeutic Effect of Visha-Upvisha and its Formulation to Cure the Khalitya
Journal Title: International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 0
In modern era early hair fall has been caused because of various factors like busy schedule (improper Dinacharya and Ritucharya), pollution, unhealthy diet, hormonal imbalance, stress, faulty hair care, infectious diseases, nervous disorders, toxic substances, injury, and severe radiation. Ayurveda Science has also mentioned the hair loss under the heading of Khalitya. According to Ayurveda texts, all the Ahar and Vihar (diet and lifestyle) which is going to aggravate the Vata and Pitta (primary) becomes the nidan of Khalitya. Acharya Charaka mentioned that Tejas by involving Vatadi Dosha when scorches up the scalp, it results in Khalitya. According to Chakrapani word Tejas here denotes Dehoshma as well as Pitta Dosha1. As per other Ayurveda texts, the basic principles of pathogenesis of Khalitya include dushti of elevated pitta along vata dosha and rakta kapha dushti. The medical term for baldness is alopecia; any type of hair fall is called alopecia. The main victims who are facing the Khalitya (hair-fall) are youngsters. As per quotation in Charak Samhita, the poison which by nature is destructive of life, if taken in the proper manner, acts as an elixir2 . So the aim of this study is to elaborate & explore the effect of some Visha and Upvisha dravya like Vatsnabh, Langli, Gunja, Snuhi, Arka, Dhatura and Chitrak etc in the treatment of Khalitya. These drugs and its formulation are indicated in Khalitya as local application on scalp. These contents have Laghu, Rukhsha, Tiksna, Katu, Ushna, Kushthaghna and Krimighana properties can help the breakdown of the pathogenesis of Khalitya. Several types of oils and Lepa of vish and upvisha for Abhyang (Massage) greatly improve the blood circulation, thus increasing the nutrition of the hair roots & scalp. Thus the Vish or Upvisha or its formulation is one of the best choices in Ayurveda to prevent and cure Khalitya.
Authors and Affiliations
Sanchit Jain, Anita Sharma, Sheetal Yadav
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