
У статті розглядаються теоретико-методологічні основи розуміння понять «маскулінність», «фемінність», «гендерні ролі». Показано, що гендерні дослідження останніх десятиліть виявили, що поняття гендеру і гендерної асиметрії стають головним предметом вивчення філософії фемінізму, а маскулінність – одним із напрямків постфемінізму. Простежено розвиток теоретичних концепцій маскулінності та фемінності, проаналізовано вплив філософських течій на формування гендерних теорій. The issue of sex falls within the field of philosophical problematics since the ancient times, taking its inherent forms of discussions every epoch and enlightening this or that aspect. Every epoch approached the subject in its own way, gradually deleting it from its research field. Only in the end of the 20th century, when changes in the social structure and political life took place, established stereotypes peculiar for the previous century collapsed and moved the issue to the level of theoretical study. Gender theory became one of the directions that study the issue of sex, namely the attitude and status of a woman and man, their social life and acquired life experience, realization of their social and role characteristics and peculiarities, having started gender research. Gender methodology is a cross-disciplinary methodology. It includes philosophy, sociology, psychoanalysis, literary studies. Consideration of many problems connected with gender issues remains urgent. Nowadays in Ukraine there is a tendency to deepen the research of gender aspect. Theoreticians of feminism are beginning to study social technology of forming gender roles, the way people form gender awareness through different social institutions, art, science and, finally, everyday experience. Gender as a social aspect of sex attitude, researchers claim, is constructed and expressed in many spheres of social life. It includes culture, ideology, discourse practice, though it is not equated to them. Gender differentiation in domestic and professional tasks, state organization, sexuality, violence structure and many other aspects of social organization influence gender relationships . One of the peculiarities of the modern stage of gender research is that alongside with women men are more often chosen as its subject matter. For some authors the question at issue is the fact that gender class or social group does not keep up with the call of the times: their activity and group self-consciousness, conception of the type a person can and must be do not accord with social demands and must be radically changed. Masculinity and femininity are not connected with biological sex; they consist of distinctive psychological features, historically predetermined by cultural peculiarities of a certain social environment. Masculinity is associated with activeness, independence, self-confidence, while femininity is associated with dependability, timidness, and sentiments. Femininity and masculinity as perfect parts of a whole are complemented with variants of ways of male – female subjectification, which reflect the urge to equal entering the social life. The definition of a man and a woman, differences between femininity and masculinity are changed in the course of time. Different conceptions exist simultaneously, becoming less or more significant; they are combined, correlated with each other in order to define the characteristics of human through the differences between sexes.

Authors and Affiliations

Леся Юріївна Левченко


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How To Cite

Леся Юріївна Левченко (2018). ТРАНСФОРМАЦІЯ МАСКУЛІННОСТІ, ФЕМІННОСТІ ТА ГЕНДЕРНИХ РОЛЕЙ В ОСВІТНЬО-ВИХОВНОМУ ПРОСТОРІ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 8(16), 19-25. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-576179