Journal of Rare Disorders: Diagnosis & Therapy

Print ISSN: 2380-7245

Electronic ISSN: None

Basic Info

  • Publisher: Insight medical publishing
  • Country:
  • Date added to EuroPub 2019/Nov/10

Subject & More

LCC Subject Category: Health Care Sciences & Services, Medicine, General & Internal, Pharmacology & Pharmacy

Publisher's keywords:

  • Language of fulltext: english
  • Time from submission to publication: Weeks

Publication Charges

  • Article Processing Charges (APCs): No
  • Submission charges: No
  • Waiver policy for charges? No

Open access & licensing

  • Type of License:
  • Open Access Statement: No
  • Year open access content began: 2015
  • Does the author retain unrestricted copyright? False
  • Does the author retain publishing rights? False

Best practice polices

  • Permanent article identifier:
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Impact Factor

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