Salt and High Blood Pressure the Two Silent Killers: A Nepalese Perspective
Journal title: Nepalese Heart Journal
Authors: Vaidya A| Kathmandu Medical College
Subject(s): Health and Wellness
Journal title: Nepalese Heart Journal
Authors: Vaidya A| Kathmandu Medical College
Subject(s): Health and Wellness
Journal title: Nepalese Heart Journal
Authors: Rajbhandari R| Shahid Gangalal National heart Centre
Subject(s): Health and Wellness
Journal title: Nepalese Heart Journal
Authors: Rajbhandari GL| Birendra Military Hospital, nepal
Subject(s): Health and Wellness
Journal title: Nepalese Heart Journal
Authors: Regmi PR| Program director, National RF/RHD prevention and control program, Nepal Heart Foundation/M...
Subject(s): Health and Wellness
Journal title: Nepalese Heart Journal
Authors: Dewakar Sharma
Subject(s): Health and Wellness
Journal title: Nepalese Heart Journal
Authors: Gurung Ram Bahadur| Dhulikhel Hospital, Kathmandu University Hospital, Pant Pankaj| Dhulikhel Hospit...
Subject(s): Health and Wellness
Journal title: Nepalese Heart Journal
Authors: Regmi SR| Shahid Gangalal National Heart Centre, Bansbari, Kathmandu, Maskey A| Shahid Gangalal Nati...
Subject(s): Health and Wellness
Journal title: Nepalese Heart Journal
Authors: Regmi BS| Shahid Gangalal National Heart Centre, Bansbari, Kathmandu, Regmi SR| Shahid Gangalal Nati...
Subject(s): Health and Wellness
Journal title: Nepalese Heart Journal
Authors: Shakya S| Shahid Gangalal National Heart Centre, Bansbari, Kathmandu, Bhattarai J| Shahid Gangalal N...
Subject(s): Health and Wellness
Journal title: Nepalese Heart Journal
Authors: Adhikari CM| Department of Cardiology, SGNHC, Bansbari, Kathmandu, Rajbhandari R| Department of Card...
Subject(s): Health and Wellness
Journal title: Nepalese Heart Journal
Authors: Rauniyar B| Department of Cardiology, Shahid Gangalal National Heart Centre, Bansbari, Kathmandu, Ad...
Subject(s): Health and Wellness
Journal title: Nepalese Heart Journal
Authors: Medvedev A.P.| Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy; Cardiac and Vascular Surgery Center, Nizhny No...
Subject(s): Health and Wellness
Journal title: Nepalese Heart Journal
Authors: Koju R| Department of Internal Medicine, Dhulikhel Hospital – KUH, Manandhar K| Department of Intern...
Subject(s): Health and Wellness
Journal title: Nepalese Heart Journal
Authors: Pokharel B.R, Pant P, Gurung R, Koju R, Bedi T. R.S, Pathak M
Subject(s): Health and Wellness
Journal title: Nepalese Heart Journal
Authors: Shah RK| Department of Cardiology, NAMS, Bir Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal
Subject(s): Health and Wellness