Interactions between neuroleptics and CYP2C6 in rat liver - in vitro and ex vivo study. Journal title: Pharmacological Reports Authors: Anna Haduch, Tomasz Ogórka, Jan Boksa, Władysława Daniel Subject(s):
CYP21A2 Gene Mutations in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: Genotype-phenotype correlation in Turkish children Journal title: Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology Authors: Firdevs Baş, Hülya Kayserili, Feyza Darendeliler, Oya Uyguner, Memnune Apak, Fatmahan Atalar,... Subject(s):
PRÓBA AMPLIFIKACJI SEKWENCJI 21-HYDROKSYLAZY STEROIDOWEJ KILKU GATUNKÓW PTAKÓW Z UŻYCIEM ZDEGENEROWANYCH PRIMERÓW FLANKUJĄCYCH GEN CYP21 SSAKÓW Journal title: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu, Biologia i Hodowla Zwierząt Authors: Krzysztof Grabowski, Tomasz Strzała, Barbara Kosowska Subject(s):
Attempt to amplify sequence of steroid 21-hydroxylase in several bird species using degenerate primers flanking the CYP21 gene of mammals Journal title: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu, Biologia i Hodowla Zwierząt Authors: Krzysztof Grabowski, Tomasz Strzała, Barbara Kosowska Subject(s):
Adrenomedullary Function in 21-Hydroxilase Deficiency. Is There an Association with adrenal Crises? Journal title: Endocrinology and Disorders Authors: Echeverria Fernández M Subject(s):
Birth Size in Neonates with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase Deficiency Journal title: Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology Authors: Helmuth G. Dörr, Theresa Penger, Andrea Albrecht, Michaela Marx, Thomas M. K. Völkl Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics
A Case of Bilateral Testicular Tumors Subsequently Diagnosed as Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Due to 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Journal title: International Journal of Fertility & Sterility Authors: Ping Li Subject(s): Education, Medicine, Internal Medicine, Reproductive and Sexual Medicine
Non-classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency: laboratory criteria for the diagnosis and control of treatment efficacy Journal title: Міжнародний ендокринологічний журнал Authors: O.V. Rykova Subject(s):