Direct Adaptive Terminal Sliding Mode Control for Lane Changing of Vehicle in Intelligent Transportation Systems Journal title: IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) Authors: Dianbo Ren, Yong Zhang, Hao Wang Subject(s):
Tourist and sports destinations of ukraine Journal title: Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету. Серія «Географічні науки» Authors: О.В. Колотуха Subject(s):
A Study of prognostic value of Hs-CRP and fibrinogen in patients of unstable angina Journal title: International Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Subject(s):
Early Cretaceous duvaliids (Belemnitida: Mollusca) of the Rarău Syncline (Eastern Carpathians, Romania) Journal title: Analele stiintifice ale Universitatii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iasi - seria Geologie Authors: Paul Țibuleac Subject(s):
Effect of remote ischemic preconditioning on dynamics of troponin I content in patients with severe forms of acute coronary syndrome during coronary arteries stenting Journal title: Серце і судини Authors: S. F. Veremchuk, D. А. Dzyuba, О. A. Loskutov Subject(s):
Oral Lichen Planus, 2 Varied Clinical Presentations and Its Therapeutic Intervention Journal title: Indian Journal of Dental Education Authors: S. Jayachandran Subject(s):
Profile of Medicolegal Autopsy Cases at Tertiary Care Centre in Bagalkot, Karnataka Journal title: Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology Authors: Anand Mugadlimath Subject(s):
Hemorrhage in Sternocleidomastoid and Other Strap Muscles in a Case of Hanging: An Unusual Autopsy Finding Journal title: Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology Authors: Abhishek Yadav Subject(s):
Changing Trends of Suicides in Marathwada Region of Maharashtra in Central India: A Retrospective Study Journal title: Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology Authors: Kachare Rajesh Subject(s):
Challenges for Librarianship in 21st Century Journal title: Indian Journal of Library and Information Science Authors: Rajeev R. Paithankar Subject(s):
Impact of Green Information Technology in Library Digitisation Journal title: Indian Journal of Library and Information Science Authors: C. Jayalakshmi Subject(s):
Identification and analysis of orographic lineaments of the upland Opillya based on 3d-terrain models Journal title: Геодинаміка Authors: G. R. Bayrak Subject(s):
Psycho-emotional status and vegetative resistance in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia on the background of angina pectoris Journal title: Український неврологічний журнал Authors: N. I. Inhula Subject(s):
LUDWIGS ANGINA IN A 12 YEARS OLD GIRL. Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) Authors: Mazen Almasri. Subject(s):
Clinical profile and outcome of children admitted with dengue fever in a tertiary care hospital in South India Journal title: Indian Journal of Child Health Authors: B Vijaya kumar, L Simna, D Kalpana, Lalitha Kailas Subject(s):