Nanosrebro : zastosowanie, migracja i metody oznaczania Journal title: Wiadomości Chemiczne Authors: Julita Malejko, Beata Godlewska-Żyłkiewicz Subject(s):
Nanomaterials as Sorbents for Environmental Remediation Journal title: Archives of Nanomedicine: Open Access Journal Authors: Jayshree Ramkumar Subject(s):
Modelling and F. E. Analysis of AL-AA8090 Nano Composites by R. V. E Method Journal title: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD ) Authors: Madhulatha ., Suryaprakash ., Ratnakar P Subject(s):
Nieorganiczne nanocząstki w medycynie nuklearnej Journal title: Wiadomości Chemiczne Authors: Agata Kasperek, Aleksander Bilewicz Subject(s):
Biologiczna synteza nanocząstek metali Journal title: Wiadomości Chemiczne Authors: Irena Maliszewska Subject(s):
Tribocorrosion – Insight into Material Degradation in Specific Environments Journal title: Analele Universitatii "Dunarea de Jos" din Galati. Fascicula IX, Metalurgie si Stiinta Materialelor Authors: Sorin-Bogdan BAŞA, Lidia BENEA Subject(s):
Activation of Motor Fuels Journal title: Global Journal of Engineering Sciences Authors: Dunaev AV Subject(s):
Adjustable Quarto Stimuli (T, pH, Redox, Hyperthermia) Targeted Nanocontainers (Nano4Dox and Nano4Cis) for Cancer Therapy Based on Trojan Horse Approach Journal title: Archives of Pharmacy & Pharmacology Research Authors: Subject(s):
MICROBIAL POPULATION WITH POTENTIAL TO SIMULTANEOUSLY DEGRADE ORGANOCHLORINE INSECTICIDES Journal title: Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences Authors: Saghee Madhu Raju, Rajkumar Bidlan Subject(s):
Effect of the modified silica on the conductivity and sensory properties of polyaniline nanocomposites Journal title: Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С.З. Гжицького Authors: Yu.Yu. Horbenko, B.R. Tsizh, O.I. Aksimentyeva, I.B. Olenych, V.M. Bogatyrev, M.R. Dzeryn Subject(s):
DNA vaccine expressing herpes simplex virus 1 glycoprotein C and D protects mice against herpes simplex keratitis Journal title: International Journal of Ophthalmology Authors: Kai Hu Subject(s):
Nanotechnology: Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Journal title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Authors: Dr. Dayanand Chole, Dr. Irshad Khan, Dr. Shashank Kundoor, Dr. Srinivas Bakle, Dr. Neha Gandhi, Dr.... Subject(s):
Synthesis and Crystallization Studies of Thermo-plastic Polyster/Titania Nanocomposites Journal title: Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Applications Authors: Harshita Agrawal, Shalini Agarwal, Yogendra K. Saraswat, Kamlendra Awasthi, Vibhav K. Saraswat Subject(s): Materials Science, Nuclear Physics, Radiation
Nanocomposites for Decontamination of Multicomponent Technogenic Dilutions Journal title: Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Applications Authors: V. Kadoshnikov, Yu. Lytvynenko Subject(s): Materials Science, Nuclear Physics, Radiation
Investigation of the Saturation of Elemental Concentration in the Depth Profile of Low Energy Silver Ion Implants in Silicon Journal title: Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Applications Authors: Mangal S. Dhoubhadel, Bibhudutta Rout, Wickramaarachchige J. Lakshantha, Floyd D. McDaniel Subject(s): Materials Science, Nuclear Physics, Radiation