The ammonite-dinocyst subdivisions correlation at the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian boundary in the Bartoszyce IG 1 and Kcynia IG IV cores from northern Poland Journal title: Volumina Jurassica Authors: Marcin BARSKI, Bronisław MATYJA, Andrzej WIERZBOWSKI Subject(s):
Stratygrafia izotopowa strontu wody morskiej w oksfordzie, próba kalibracji krzywej wiekowej Journal title: Volumina Jurassica Authors: Hubert WIERZBOWSKI, Grzegorz ZIELIŃSKI Subject(s):
Paleomagnetyzm górnej jury Wyżyny Krakowskiej - wstępne wyniki badań Journal title: Volumina Jurassica Authors: Piotr ZIÓŁKOWSKI Subject(s):
Recent biostratigraphical and lithostratigraphical research in the Štramberk Limestone in the Kotouć Quarry Journal title: Volumina Jurassica Authors: Petr SKUPIEN, Zdenek VAŠÍČEK Subject(s):
A potential stratotype for the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian boundary: Staffin Bay, Isle of Skye, UK Journal title: Volumina Jurassica Authors: Andrzej WIERZBOWSKI, Mark HOUNSLOW, Angela COE, Bronisław MATYJA, James OGG, Kevin PAGE, Hubert WIER... Subject(s):
Global Jurassic tetrapod biochronology Journal title: Volumina Jurassica Authors: Spencer LUCAS Subject(s):
Molluscan immigrations via biogeographical ecotone of the Middle Russian Sea during the Jurassic Journal title: Volumina Jurassica Authors: Mikhail ROGOV, Viktor ZAKHAROV, Dmitry KISELEV Subject(s):
High resolution ammonite stratigraphy of the Charmouth Mudstone Formation (Lower Jurassic: Sinemurian-Lower Pliensbachian) in south-west England, UK Journal title: Volumina Jurassica Authors: Kevin N. PAGE Subject(s):
The Upper Sinemurian ammonite succession in the Sierra Madre Oriental (Mexico) Journal title: Volumina Jurassica Authors: Christian MEISTER, Joachim BLAU, Jean-Louis DOMMERGUES, Rudolf SCHLATTER, Reinhard SCHMIDT-EFFING Subject(s):
Importance of the Mellala section (Traras Mountains, northwestern Algeria) for the correlation of the Pliensbachian-Toarcian boundary Journal title: Volumina Jurassica Authors: Serge ELMI, A. MAROK, Y. ALMÉRAS Subject(s):
Indirect biostratigraphy in condensed successions: a case history from the Bajocian of Normandy (NW France) Journal title: Volumina Jurassica Authors: Giulio PAVIA, Luca MARTIRE Subject(s):
Candidate sections for the GSSP of the base of the Bathonian Stage (Middle Jurassic) Journal title: Volumina Jurassica Authors: Sixto R. FERNÁNDEZ-LÓPEZ Subject(s):
The ammonite faunas of the Callovian-Oxfordian boundary interval in Europe and their relevance to the establishment of an Oxfordian GSSP Journal title: Volumina Jurassica Authors: Kevin N. PAGE, Guillermo MELÉNDEZ, John K. WRIGHT Subject(s):
Integrated stratigraphical study of the candidate Oxfordian Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) at Redcliff Point, Weymouth, Dorset, UK Journal title: Volumina Jurassica Authors: Kevin N. PAGE, Guillermo MELÉNDEZ, Malcolm B. HART, Gregory D. PRICE, John K. WRIGHT, Paul BOWN, Jul... Subject(s):
[b]The Oxfordian ammonite genus [i]Passendorferia [/i]Brochwicz-Lewiński and the Tethyan subfamily Passendorferiinae Meléndez: origin and palaeobiogeography[/b] Journal title: Volumina Jurassica Authors: Guillermo MELÉNDEZ, François ATROPS, Julia BELLO, Wojciech BROCHWICZ-LEWIŃSKI, Carolina D’ARPA, Istv... Subject(s):