Numerical Investigation of the Wing-in-Ground Effect on Aerodynamic Characteristics Journal title: Problemy Mechatroniki. Uzbrojenie, lotnictwo, inżynieria bezpieczeństwa Authors: Stanisław WRZESIEŃ, Michał FRANT, Maciej MAJCHER Subject(s):
INVESTIGATION OF AERODYNAMIC PRESSURE DURING THE HIGH-SPEED TRAIN PASSAGE Journal title: Наука та прогрес транспорту Authors: S. T. Djabbarov Subject(s): Transportation
Studi visualisasi aerodinamika model sudut kemiringan badan pelari Journal title: Dinamika Teknik Mesin Authors: Subject(s):
CFD Simulation of Flow Past Wing Body Junction: A 3-D Approach Journal title: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD ) Authors: Snigdha Mandapudi, Satya Sandeep Chaganti, Swathi Gorle, Shiva Prasad .U, Govardhan. D, Praveen B Subject(s):
CONSIDERATION OF AERODYNAMIC IMPACT IN SETTING THE MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE SPEEDS OF HIGH-SPEED TRAIN Journal title: Наука та прогрес транспорту Authors: S. T. Djabbarov Subject(s): Transportation
Flight Control System Design and Analysis of a Light Sport Aircraft with Emphasis on Multibody Dynamics and Aerodynamic Analysis Journal title: INCAS BULLETIN Authors: Angi NORBERT, Angel HUMINIC, Csaba ANTONYA Subject(s):
Aircraft testing in terms of methodology, safety and development of aircraft Journal title: Vojnotehnički glasnik Authors: Branko Bilbija Subject(s):
Aerodynamics of vortex flows of dry agent in dry camera Journal title: Вісник Житомирського державного технологічного університету. Серія: Технічні науки Authors: V.M. Marchevsky, Y.V. Grobovenko Subject(s):
Experimental Investigations of Multiblade Wind Wheel Model Journal title: Технічна механіка, Техническая механика, Technical Mechanics Authors: I Shedlovsky Subject(s):
Numerical studies in effects of 3d location of high-speed vehicle related to track structure on aerodynamic characteristics Journal title: Технічна механіка, Техническая механика, Technical Mechanics Authors: A. Prikhodko, M. Arsenyuk Subject(s):
Methods of Improving Aerodynamics of a Vehicle- A Review Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
Pneumatic tools for stage space design Journal title: Вісник Національної академії керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв Authors: Kateryna Yudova-Romanova Subject(s):
Computational Analysis for Random Winglet Designs on Light Aircraft Journal title: JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Authors: Sachin Kumar, Subject(s):
Aerodynamics of Spinning Sphere in Ideal Flow Journal title: Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology Authors: R. C Mehta Subject(s):
Validation of Experimental and Numerical Techniques for Flow Analysis over an Ahmed Body Journal title: International Journal of engineering Research and Applications Authors: Rodrigo Mendes Alves, Odenir de Almeida Subject(s):