Impact of Septoplasty on Mean Platelet Volume Levels in Patients with Nasal Septal Deviation Journal title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Authors: Prof. Dr. A.R. Ali Sulthan MS., Prof. Dr. V. Saravanan MS, Dr.Anish karthick Subject(s):
POSTOBSTRUCTIVE NEGATIVE PRESSURE PULMONARY EDEMA Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PURE MEDICAL RESEARCH Authors: Dr. Lourdes Trinidad Castillo García, Dra. Denise Yuliana Vázquez Bautista Subject(s):
Delayed Intractable Postextubation Laryngeal Edema after General Anesthesia Journal title: Enliven: Journal of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine Authors: Yeon Kim Ji, Kim Kyung-Tae, Hyun Kim Jun, Hee Heo Min, Lee Sang-il, Joo Choe Won, Su Park Jang, Won... Subject(s):
Endobronchial management of malignant central airway obstruction: the first 6-year single center experience Journal title: The European Research Journal Authors: Zafer Aktaş, Aydın Yılmaz, Alperi Öztürk, Yusuf Taha Güllü, Mevlüt Karataş Subject(s):
Clinical Characteristics, Diagnosis, Treatment Approaches of Patients with Acute Dyspnea in ENT Clinic Journal title: Çocuk Acil ve Çocuk Yoğun Bakım Dergisi Authors: Hatice Seçil Akyıldız, Zahide Çiler Büyükatalay, Gürsel Dursun Subject(s):