Serum proinflammatory cytokine levels and white blood cell differential count i patients with different degrees of severity of acute alcoholic pancreatitis Journal title: Polish Journal of Surgery Authors: Józefa Panek, Beata Kuśnierz-Cabala, Mirosław Dolecki, Jonathan Pietron Subject(s):
Levels of Type IIA Phospholipase A2 and Type IV Collagen in Patients with Chronic Alcoholic Pancreatitis Associated with Liver Cirrhosis Class A, B by Child-Pugh Journal title: Гастроентерологія Authors: V.H. Mishchuk, K.M. Skoropad Subject(s):
Lipase/Amylase Ratio to Predict Alcoholic Versus Gall Stone as Etiology of Acute Pancreatitis in Population of Upper Assam Journal title: PARIPEX-Indian Journal of Research Authors: Dr. Arpita Saxena, Dr. Monigopa Das, Dr. Ratnesh Kumar Subject(s):