Herbs/spices as feed additive in aquaculture

Journal title: Scientific Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences

Authors: O.A. Asimi*| Fish Nutrition, Biochemistry and Physiology Division, Central Institute of Fisheries Ed...

Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Science

Gerbera: Soil fertility and plant nutrition

Journal title: Agricultural Advances

Authors: R. Keditsu| Department of Horticulture, School of Agricultural Sciences and Rural Development Nagala...

Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Agricultural Science, Entomology, Food Science and Technology, Plant Sciences, Soil Sciences, Agricultural Economics

Status of some selected antioxidants in pregnant Nigerian women

Journal title: Scientific Journal of Medical Science

Authors: O.B. Idonije*| Department of Chemical Pathology, College of Medicine, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpom...

Subject(s): Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Nursing, Pathology and Forensics, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Physiology, Surgery, Toxicology

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