Numerical Perception and Statistical Desire of Postwar Japan towards Resources in Korea Journal title: International Journal of Korean History Authors: Byong-kwon Song Subject(s): History
East Asian Regionalisms and Korea in the 1940’s Journal title: International Journal of Korean History Authors: Byong Kwon Song Subject(s): History
India and Central Asia: An Interpretation of Mutually Indelible Historical Relationship and its Multi Faceted Impact Journal title: International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS) Authors: Amit Kumar Singh Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Psychology, Music, Agricultural Science, Physical Education, Geography, Health and Wellness
Genesis of Formation of the Regional Financial Space within the Asian Mega-Region Journal title: Бізнес Інформ Authors: Alla Shlapak Subject(s):
Strategic Partnership of the Post-Soviet Countries (Asian Dimension of the Balancing Partnership) Journal title: Історико-політичні проблеми сучасного світу Authors: Vasyl Ostapiak Subject(s):
ДЕЯКІ АСПЕКТИ ЗОВНІШНЬОЇ ПОЛІТИКИ РОСІЙСЬКОЇ ФЕДЕРАЦІЇ В ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОАЗІЙСЬКОМУ РЕГІОНІ Journal title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія Authors: Alexander Halona Subject(s):
The Impact of Erdoğan's Victory on Türkiye-India Bilateral Relations: An Analysis Journal title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research Authors: umin Ahmad Khan, Manawar Ahmed, Nadeem Ahmad Subject(s): Economics, Humanities, Law, Social Sciences, Literature, Sociology of Education, Criminology, Public Administration
PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF OIL MARKET DEVELOPMENT IN THE ASIAN REGION Journal title: Ancient Land Authors: Sevinj Allahverdiyeva Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences