Lower Timiş River (Banat, Romania) - Special area for conservation (Natura 2000 site) for Gobio albipinnatus Lukasch, 1933 Journal title: Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation - International Journal of the Bioflux Society Authors: Doru Bănăduc Subject(s):
THE GYPSY MINORITY IN ROMANIA: A STUDY IN MARGINALITY Journal title: Revue Roumaine de Géographie/Romanian Journal of Geography Authors: REMUS CREŢAN, DAVID TURNOCK Subject(s):
The population of the Banat, Transylvania, Upper and Lower Hungary explained in a letter, which was written by Ignaz von Born in 1770 on his journey through the above-mentioned areas Journal title: Codrul Cosminului Authors: Marinel Ovidiu Koch-Tufiş Subject(s):
La minorité tsigane en Roumanie: une étude dans la marginalité Journal title: Revue Roumaine de Géographie/Romanian Journal of Geography Authors: REMUS CREŢAN, DAVID TURNOCK Subject(s):
ANTROPICAL CHANGES IN THE HYDROGRAPHICAL NETWORK OF BANAT IN THE 20TH CENTURY Journal title: The Annals of Valahia University of Târgoviste, Geographical Series Authors: Rodica MUNTEANU, Carmen HARABAGIU Subject(s):
Regionalization between Yesterday and Tommorrow. Study Case: The Banat Plain Journal title: Romanian Review of Regional Studies Authors: MIHAELA SOROCEAC Subject(s): Geography
Review – The Prehistory of Banat (Editors-in-chief Nikola Tasić and Florin Draşovean), I. The Palaeolithic and Mesolithic (Edited by Florin Draşovean and Borislav Jovanović), EA The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 2011 Journal title: Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Authors: Elena Cristina Nițu Subject(s):
Law and Space: Juridical Organisation and Central Places in Banat, Western Romania Journal title: Romanian Review of Regional Studies Authors: RAULARIAN RUSU, COSMIN COSTAŞ Subject(s): Geography
POTENTIAL CLUSTERS IN BANAT AND THEIR ROLE IN REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Journal title: Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis Authors: Ramona IŞFĂNESCU Subject(s):
The Road Connectivity Index Applied to the Settlements of Banat Using GIS Journal title: Romanian Review of Regional Studies Authors: RAULARIAN RUSU, TITUS MAN, CIPRIAN MOLDOVAN Subject(s): Geography
Growing Up in Banat Region. Childhood Memories in Life-Stories Journal title: Martor. The Museum of the Romanian Peasant Anthropology Review Authors: Simona Adam Subject(s):
Smaranda Vultur, Francezi în Banat, bănățeni în Franța. Memorie şi identitate [The French in Banat. People of Banat in France. Memory and Identity]. Timişoara: Marineasa, 2012 Journal title: Martor. The Museum of the Romanian Peasant Anthropology Review Authors: Ana Pascu Subject(s):
ORTHODOX CHURCH AND SERBO-ROMANIAN RELATIONS IN BANAT IN THE 19th AND THE FIRST HALF OF 20th CENTURY Journal title: Analele Universitatii „Eftimie Murgu” din Resita. Fascicola de Stiinte Social-Umaniste Authors: Mircea MĂRAN, Aleksandra ĐURIĆ-MILOVANOVIĆ Subject(s):
Study of Water Quality Of Malaprabha River Near Habbanatti, Belgaum, Karnataka Journal title: Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology Authors: B. N. Sunkad Subject(s):
Atestarea arheologică a celei de a patra linii de fortificații a cetății de epoca bronzului de la Cornești – Iarcuri (jud. Timiș) Journal title: MATERIALE SI CERCETARI ARHEOLOGICE Authors: Alexandru Szentmiklosi, Andrei Bălărie, Bernhard Heeb, Petru Urdea Subject(s):