Novel Concepts for Clinical Pharmacology from "Calcium Paradox" due to Neuronal Interaction between Signalling Pathways Mediated by Ca2+ and cAMP: from 1975 to 2017 Journal title: International Archives of Clinical Pharmacology Authors: Subject(s):
Патоґенетичні механізми виникнення ревматоїдного артриту та анкілозивного спондиліту за участю активізаційно-ензиматичних і фенотипічних особливостей лімфоцитів Journal title: Lviv Clinical Bulletin Authors: N. Lychkovska, V. Chopyak, Z. Vorobets Subject(s): Education, Science, Health science
Pathogenetic Mechanisms of the Occurrence of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis with the Activation-Enzymatic and Phenotypic Features of Lymphocytes Journal title: Lviv Clinical Bulletin Authors: N. Lychkovska, V. Chopyak, Z. Vorobets Subject(s): Education, Science, Health science
Патогенетические механизмы возникновения ревматоидного артрита и анкилозирующего спондилита за участием активизационно-энзиматических и фенотипических особенностей лимфоцитов Journal title: Lviv Clinical Bulletin Authors: N. Lychkovska, V. Chopyak, Z. Vorobets Subject(s): Education, Science, Health science
A NEW SINGLE-COMPONENT CA20AL26MG3SI3O68:DY3+, EU3+ POTENTIAL PHOSPHOR FOR WHITE-LIGHT EMITTING DIODES: LUMINESCENCE PROPERTIES, ENERGY TRANSFER AND MULTICOLOR LUMINESCENCE Journal title: Topics in Chemical & Material Engineering (TCME) Authors: Bo Yuan, Yanhua Song, Weidong Wang, Haifeng Zou, Li Kong, Chuanbo Dai Subject(s):
Vitamin D Deficiency & Low Serum Calcium Levels in Hypothyroid Patients Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research Authors: Vikram Sharma, Anil Gupta, Rabia Showkat Subject(s):
S100 can be used as a tumor marker in canine mammary tumors Journal title: National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology Authors: Khristine Kaith S Lloren, Rodel Jonathan S Vitor II Subject(s):
EFFECT OF Azima tetracantha ON MITOCHONDRIAL MEMBRANE BOUND ENZYMES IN LIVER ON CARBON TETRACHLORIDE INDUCED OXIDATIVE STRESS IN RATS Journal title: IJSR-International Journal Of Scientific Research Authors: K. Saleem, T. Nargis Begum, M.H. Muhammad Ilyas Subject(s):
Therapeutic Potential of Tumor Suppressors in Treating Breast Cancer Journal title: International Journal of Cancer Studies & Research (IJCR) Authors: Anil Philip Kunnath Subject(s):
The “Calcium Paradox” Due To Ca2+/Camp Interaction: New Insights for the Neuroscience Field Journal title: Journal of Neuroscience and Neurological Disorders Authors: LB Bergantin, A Caricati-Neto Subject(s):
Role of Calcium in Vomiting: Revelations from the Least Shrew Model of Emesis Journal title: Gastro - Open Journal Authors: Nissar A. Darmani Subject(s):
Insights for Antihypertensive pharmacotherapy from the “Calcium Paradox” due to Ca2+/camp Interaction Journal title: Annals of Clinical Hypertension Authors: LB Bergantin, A Caricati-Neto Subject(s):
Novel Challenges for the Therapeutics of Depression: Pharmacological Modulation of Interaction between the Intracellular Signaling Pathways Mediated by Ca2+ and cAMP Journal title: Journal of Addiction Therapy and Research Authors: Afonso Caricati- Neto, Leandro Bueno Bergantin Subject(s):
Perspectives of The Pharmacological Modulation of Ca2+/ Camp Signaling Interaction as a New Neuroprotector Therapeutic Strategy for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Journal title: Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR) Authors: Afonso Caricati-Neto, Leandro Bueno Bergantin Subject(s):
Pathophysiological Role of Trpv1 In Malignant Hyperthermia: Identification of New Variants Journal title: Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR) Authors: Nolwenn Tessier, Mallory Ducrozet, Sylvie Ducreux, Julien Faure, Fabien Van Coppenolle Subject(s):