INFORMS Transactions on Education ISSN: (print) 1532-0545 (online) Subject: Education, Management Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/May/20
Educational Space of Ukraine ISSN: 2409-9244 (print) 2521-6252 (online) Subject: Education, Pedagogy Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/May/20
Culture, Language and Representation ISSN: (print) 2340-4981 (online) Subject: Education, Linguistics, Social Sciences, History , Political Science Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/May/20
Revista Digital de Derecho Administrativo ISSN: (print) 2145-2946 (online) Subject: Law, Comparative Law Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/May/19
MLS Educational Research ISSN: (print) 2603-5820 (online) Subject: Education, Pedagogy Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/May/19
Intangible Capital ISSN: 2014-3214 (print) 1697-9818 (online) Subject: Psychology, Human Resource Management, General Works, Accounting, Management Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/May/19
Revista Brasileira de Criminalística ISSN: (print) 2237-9223 (online) Subject: Social Sciences, Pathology and Forensics, Criminology Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/May/19
Research Journal of Pharmacognosy ISSN: 2345-4458 (print) 2345-5977 (online) Subject: Medicine, Pharmacy, Pharmacognosy Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/May/19
Fonseca, Journal of Communication ISSN: (print) 2172-9077 (online) Subject: Media Studies, Communication Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/May/19
História da Educação ISSN: (print) 2236-3459 (online) Subject: Education, History Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/May/19
Studies in Adult Education and Learning ISSN: 1318-5160 (print) 2350-4188 (online) Subject: Education Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/May/19
Memorias del Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud ISSN: 1817-4620 (print) 1812-9528 (online) Subject: Medicine, Health and Wellness Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/May/19
Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research ISSN: (print) 2254-7339 (online) Subject: Education Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/May/19
Revista de Derecho ISSN: 0121-8697 (print) 2145-9355 (online) Subject: Law, International Relations, Political Science Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/May/19
Dental Research Journal ISSN: 1735-3327 (print) 2008-0255 (online) Subject: Medicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/May/19