Al-Hijr: Journal of Adulearn World

ISSN: 2829-3894 (print) 2829-4351 (online)

Subject: Education, Educational Technology, Technology and Design Education, Theory of Education

Date Added To EuroPub: 2022/Aug/29

Saber Policial

ISSN: (print) 2957-7667 (online)

Subject: Social Sciences

Date Added To EuroPub: 2022/Aug/25

Milkiyah: Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah

ISSN: 2962-7613 (print) 2549-8312 (online)

Subject: Cultural Economics, Law and Economics, Islam, Business, Commercial, Consumer and Financial Law, Middle East and Islamic Law

Date Added To EuroPub: 2022/Aug/22

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